Professional areas


fotolia 6189807A probate genealogist’s main work involves searching for the heirs to a deceased individual who has no known beneficiaries and establishing or confirming devolutions of estate.

There are millions of children living apart from one of their parents. 50.5 % of natural children are born each year whose filiation may be established, since the French law of 1972, solely by facts in proof of their civil status, certified by a report from a sub-district court judge, sometimes after the death of the parent.

The devolutions then occur in privileged or ordinary collateral line. It is very rare for the family to be able to provide a notary with the parents' official family records book of the deceased and, all the more so, that of the grandparents.

Faced with these problems, notaries call in a partner:

Probate Genealogists.

Genealogists cover the following areas:

- Finding heirs,
- Finding life insurance beneficiaries,
- Finding owners of indivisible properties,
- Establishing ownership origin,
- Finding legatees,

Collaboration with probate genealogists may also prove necessary in order to settle inheritances for overseas individuals. These cases require travelling as well as thorough knowledge of the legislation and civil status specific and other sources in the country in question.