Becoming a member


fotolia 4230311The Chambre des Généalogistes Successoraux de France (Chamber of Probate Genealogists of France) admits applicants after an aptitude examination and issues a professional card proving their competence.

Chamber applicants must prove they possess a minimum of three years professional experience in a probate genealogy practice.

This experience may be gained working in an office affiliated to the Chambre des Généalogistes Successoraux de France (Chamber of Probate Genealogists of France) or as an independent professional.

Moreover, applicants must have a diploma acknowledging at least three years spent in higher education in one of the following areas: law, history, humanities, economics or sociology.
The higher notary clerk diploma is accepted as equivalent.

Candidates are subject to an examination supervised by the Professional Ethics Committee, which sends a report to the Assembly where the decision is taken by majority vote of members, present or represented.